Look for patterns and crack codes to progress.

In point-and-click games (many of them mobile and in the App Store), you’ll work to escape a room by exploring the items and clues you find in the room. Point-And-Click Escape Games This is where it all began. In most cases the hosting company will show you graphics or a map on screen to help guide your progress, but most of the direction is audio. Your host will tell you the scenario and you and your team will progress by working through puzzles together. These all digital games are hosted events, but you won’t be viewing a camera feed. Audio/Narrated Escape Rooms In these games, you’ll use your imagination quite a bit. These games are the most similar to a traditional in-store escape room experience. If this is what you are looking for, click here to learn more about The Escape Game’s Remote Adventures. Many companies play live camera escape rooms for team building because collaboration is absolutely essential to success. You’ll direct a Game Guide through the physical environment and collaborate with friends over Zoom. Live-Camera Virtual Escape Rooms In live camera games you are playing an actual escape room live via camera feed. If you’d like to play with friends, just share your screen using a video conferencing software. These games aren’t live or hosted so you can play at any time. If you like secret agent movies or crime shows, you’ll love these games.

At first the information may not seem to connect, but after a few “aha” moments you’ll be hot on the trail and closing in on completing your mission. You’ll review evidence and surveillance and follow clues, each bringing you one step closer. Instead you must sleuth your way through the mystery. In these games you typically aren’t escaping anything. Online Mystery and Crime-Solving Games Our Unlocked series fits in this category. That’s great news for escape room enthusiasts! There are 4 main types of online escape rooms you’ll encounter. Following COVID lockdowns, online and virtual escape room style games exploded with new ones popping up all of the time.